Wednesday, January 31, 2007

It's GOLD, Lugi! Comedy GOLD!!! Go there.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Got 14 Minutes To Spare?

This is hilarious. Go listen. Now.

14 Minutes of Desperation:

UPDATE: And the well-meaning denouement...

Sunday, January 28, 2007

TV Bitching

What's Playing In My Head: "Back On A Mission", by Cirrus

Quote of the Day: "I may have a face for radio, but you, sir, have a brain for television." - Freelance Genius

Back when I was in Charlottesville the first time (as in, when I was a student), I watched a lot of TV. I mean, a LOT of TV. Staying up until 4 am watching Comedy Central was a way of life. The 2 am repeat of South Park was a nightly yard marker en route to another late night. This was my life, people.

Post-graduation, it wasn't any different. After work, I'd get down in front of the TV and not get up until it was way past time to go to bed. Laptop locked on to the internet, TV in the background. I'd watch everything. I'd watch TV shows that I wasn't even vaguely, remotely interested in - as long as the warm glow of the TV was there, it was all good. God, I even watched American Idol.

Am I getting old? Or is TV just obsolete?

I'm sitting here in front of a fire with a 26-inch classic TV in front of me, waiting to be turned on. But I'm not. Why? I don't really care. I don't mean that I don't care about the reason, I mean that I don't really care about anything that could possibly be on right now, so why would I do that in the first place?

With very few exceptions (24, ER, Boston Legal, etc.), anything I really want to watch on TV I can download and watch later. I can get the newest theater-quality movies online, or on DVD. Even those shows I catch on TV I can watch later on. And the stuff I don't want to watch...I miss. Besides, most of the stuff I do want to watch wouldn't be on TV anyway. Any way you slice it, I just download it to my computer, transfer to my iAudio (think video iPod without the general Apple crappiness and proprietary Apple music format) and watch whenever I've got a slow afternoon. Or listen to it in the car on the way to and from work.

I know this theory has some flaws. If TV didn't exist, TV shows probably wouldn't get made, or at least not as many. You can't watch what doesn't exist. And then there's sports, which do add some value to TV.

But seriously, I don't really care what's on most of the time. And the worst thing is that the fraction of new shows I do like have this crappy habit of getting canned just as things start getting good. ABC is the worst at that, canning both DayBreak and InJustice in the last year (what, is it something about two-word shows pushed into one?). It's enough to make you kick your TV screen in.

I don't know what it is. Maybe TV is just crap.

Or maybe I'm just getting old.