Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Fun With Flickr 3

Stick Figure in Peril
Originally uploaded by sistercoyote.
Cliff! WheeEE!!

Fun With Flickr 3

Platform diving allowed here.

Fun With Flickr 3

Originally uploaded by schultzdave.
You'd think he'd get the idea that touching an electric fence is a bad idea eventually.

Fun With Flickr 3

The dangers of trains
Originally uploaded by Jo Angel.
Sex with subway cars is not only prohibited but really sick.

Fun With Flickr 3

Caution: Pinocchio may have trouble on this floor.

Fun With Flickr 3

passage interdit
Originally uploaded by Yersinia.
Roleplaying the movie The Good Son in this zone is strictly forbidden.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Prog rock band photo?

we are pleased
Originally uploaded by the wanton machine.
Looks like one to me.

Random Weekend Thoughts (aka, "Brian's Too Tired To Write A Real Post")

What's Playing in my Head: "Canadian Idiot", by "Weird Al" Yankovic

Quote of the Day: "The best thing about being a Nationals fan was that we were ones before there was such a thing." - Dave Lanham

Monday morning. Time to riff for a while:

* Rummage sale went well this weekend. So well that we went back twice, once on Saturday and once on Sunday. Got a lot of great stuff, and spent under $100. For me, this is a victory of epic proportions.

I say it went well, except for the time I'm looking at CD's (bought Nirvana's Nevermind for $3. Nice.) and I hear voices over my shoulder. This is not unusual (not because I routinely hear voices in my head, but because the sale is a loud and busy place). What was unusual was that there was an aisle full of crowded people behind me and I kept hearing these voices asking each other if the price was right on this thing or that thing.

So I turn around, and there's this old couple rifling through my cart, picking up the crap I'm buying. Not old in terms of losing it, senile Admiral Stockdale who-am-I-why-am-I-here. Old in terms of old enough to know better than to pull silly crap. Here's how that went:

OLD PEOPLE: So is this $1 or $2, I can't tell...

ME: Uh...excuse me. What are you doing?

OLD PEOPLE: Do you know how much this is?

ME: This is my cart. That's why I'm holding it.

OLD PEOPLE: Oh. Sorry. Well, you should really check to make sure what this price is on this so you don't get ripped off...blah blah blah...

ME: Okay. Sure.

OLD PEOPLE: Uh...We didn't realize...

Yes, right, silly ---ing me, I forgot that they stick carts full of videos, torch lamps, a Playstation, computer games and books in a full aisle next to the CD rack with a guy holding on to it, looking at CD's. What the ---- was I thinking?

I mean, really. If you're going to try to cherry pick stuff from other people's carts, try to be a little more subtle about it.

(*) Working out sucks. I was reminded of this fact this morning after spending 10 minutes doing ab crunches. Or to be more exact, trying to move after working out sucks. I have been popping Advil all week since I started exercising again two weeks ago. This is the price, I guess, for trying in vain to avoid having a gut the size of the Hindenburg.

(*) Speaking of guts the size of the Hindenburg, Applebee's. They have a new menu out, supposedly put together by Tyler Florence of Food Network. Actually, it's more appetizing than you'd think - they've de-emphasized the fatty, deep fried crap that they're so well-known for, in favor of actual meals that might be in the same hemisphere as healthy. I may be encouraged to go back there more now, given that I I'm not forced to look forward to Deep Fried Pork Rind sandwiches with Bacon Lard au jus or some crap like that.

(*) Okay, Rachael Ray is just getting annoying. It used to be that her psycho-perky, girl-next-door attitude was somewhat endearing in a quirky sort of way. My girlfriend and I used to (and still do, occasionally) watch 30 Minute Meals every night, and it was good, mostly because the recipes usually looked good. But now, I want to pull out my hair every time I see her.

Her problem is overexposure. She has gone the Tony Kornheiser route of self-promotion, with 30 different TV shows, 50 books, a magazine, guest shots on morning shows, etc. etc. I mean, just stop.

What sparked this off? I'm in Barnes & Noble this weekend, come out of the restroom, and what do I see but a stack of Rachael Ray's magazine in the hallway. I go out to the cooking section, and there's no less than 3 Rachael Ray cookbooks. At this point, I'm half-expecting her to start doing cooking demonstrations in my kitchen.

You're no fun anymore. Enough.

Fun With Flickr 3

run from the fire
Originally uploaded by badjonni.
In case of fire, scratch while running away.

Fun With Flickr 2

Danger Gasman!
Originally uploaded by CREAMASTER.
Absolutely no fill-ups during nuclear holocausts. This means YOU.

Fun With Flickr 2

Rappelling off the lions could lead to a nasty 3' fall.

Fun With Flickr 2

Originally uploaded by 'fono.
Warning: Dr. Zaius may trip on errantly placed triangles.

Fun With Flickr 2

peril in eden
Originally uploaded by mappamundi.
Abandon all hope ye who enter here.

Fun With Flickr 2

Acid Dispenser?
Originally uploaded by Happy Tinfoil Cat.



Fun With Flickr 2

Cliffs of Moher, Ireland
Originally uploaded by Mike Colagrosso.
Daniel-san! You must concentrate. Concentrate!

Fun With Flickr 2

No jive turkeys allowed.